Tel. bestellen: +49 228 97920010

Thank You for Choosing Our Hoca Toilet Stool!

We are very happy that you are joining our community by actively deciding on replacing the unhealthy sitting position on the toilet with the much healthier squatting position.

5 tips for using the Hoca toilet stool

  1. If you think that the toilet stool is too low or too high: simply push your Hoca further away from you (too high) or pull it closer to you (too low).
  2. To get the best effect, bend forward and apply light pressure to your abdomen with the help of your thighs
  3. When your Hoca is not in use, push it towards the toilet to save space: this avoids unnecessary tripping hazards.
  4. Cleaning your Hoca is very easy: just wipe it down with a damp cloth and you’re done.
  5. Below you can download a free guide e-book on intestinal health. Here you can learn more about the most important organ of your body and receive more tips on the Hoca toilet stool.


With the Purchase of Your Hoca Toilet Stool, You Have Taken the Perfect First Step Towards Improved Bowel Health.

Now claim your free gift from us and download our e-book on intestinal health to learn more about the centre of your body and health.

Hoca Ebook English

Would You Like to Know …

… why a healthy gut is so important for our health and well-being in general?

… why and how the toilet stool even works as a precaution against bowel cancer?

… how you can get important information about your health by just looking at your bowel movements?

… what simple, natural remedies help with constipation and how Hoca provides support?

Then our e-book on bowel health is just right for you. On 28 pages we answer the above questions and much more! Get your free gift of Hoca Toilet Stool now!

Are You Satisfied With Our Hoca Toilet Stool?

As a small, German company, we unfortunately do not have a large marketing budget and are therefore dependent on positive product reviews.

Only good word-of-mouth will help us to maintain our position on the market in the long term.

So we would be very happy if you could support us with your review on Amazon!

We really hope that you are happy with your purchase! Should anything be wrong, please feel free to contact us via e-mail at

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